About the Project

What is the Global Survey?

The Global Survey on Sustainability and the SDGs picks up on expectations and opinions on matters concerning sustainability, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in as many countries as possible throughout the world.

The Global Survey targets private individuals and representatives of politics, business, academia, the media and civil society both on a national and international level. The aim is to prioritize relevant topics relating to the environment, social issues and the economy in the respective countries and sectors and to establish the urgency for action. In addition, the performance of the institutions in each country will be assessed.

The Global Survey contributes to the United Nations’ MY World Survey that brings people’s voices into official debates about the (SDGs) by including the MY World questions. The Global Survey – as the “MY World for organizations” – however, additionally asks about sustainability in each sector and the respondent’s organization.

In order to reach as many people as possible, the Global Survey is distributed via so called “multipliers”, i.e. individuals, organizations and networks from all areas that support the Global Survey and invite their employees, members, partners or social media followers to participate. Learn more.

The project is financed by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety). Planning, implementation and evaluation is carried out by the consultancy Schlange & Co. (S&C), Hamburg, and the Yale University (Yale Center for Business and Environment), New Haven, CT.

The survey was conducted between September 2018 and June 2019. The results are publicly disclosed on this website and discussed with representatives of all sectors. The objective is to create awareness, to initiate and accelerate the decisions necessary for sustainable development.

The anonymity of participants and their responses is guaranteed. For further information, please have a look at our Privacy Policy.

Further information on the SDGs can be found at www.un.org